Blue Lagoon – the crazy paradise (Vang Vieng)

When you go to the Blue Lagoon beware for the cows, because they like to pass the road without any warning. And also don’t forget your swim trunks or suit. You will need them. Welcome in the crazy paradise of Vang Vieng!


It’s time to test my Gopro if it’s waterproof. And yea it survives the water. A lot of people are watching people on a tree. There you have like a high branch where teenagers risk a jump into the water. It’s not higher than the Grand Canyon jump that I tried in Chiang Mai. But it’s still scarry to watch people go from it. But I mean we are in Laos. Every year a lot of tourist die by that kind of stupidly. But it looks safe I think… We go up. The ladder is wet from the water and also the huge branch. You need to mind your step. Otherwise you will break some bones. Im up. A lot of people are taking pictures and calling. From above it’s much scarier. But I put my thoughts out and let myself fall. Im in the water and feel alive again!


After the jump we chill on the grass and watch some guys play american football. At the Blue Lagoon you will not be bored at all. If you prefer to relax with a beer than it’s the place to be. But when you like adventure it’s even better. You can jump from the tree. Do some rope swinging into the water and go zippline in the mountains to watch the lagoon from above. For everyone something sweet. Don’t forget your towel!



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